New blog: 📊 How often every Democratic member of the Florida legislature voted with Republicans in 2024

Contact Information for Florida State Legislators

Florida's 2024 legislative session started on January 9th. Each session, members of the Florida State Legislature meet in Tallahassee to debate new laws, change existing laws, and enact budgets for the State. This session, Florida legislators are considering passing a law to ban any city or county from setting standards to protect workers from the increasing risks of extreme heat.

When I learned about this bill, I wanted to tell my State Representative how I felt about this bill, but couldn’t easily find their email on the Florida House website. It was buried in a PDF file. I created a simple database that lists the contact information of every active State Legislator in Florida. Basic contact information of legislators – who are elected to represent the interests of their constituents, and vote on their behalf – should be easily accessible, and exist in one spot.

Tip: You can look up your State Representative and Senator here.

I fetched the data from the Florida House website and wrote a Python script to scrape and store the information. Right now, DataWrapper is hosting this table, but I may try to make my own table component in the future.

I hope this tool makes it easier to contact your legislator and share your comments. If you used this tool, please let me know what issue you shared with the legislators! And if you’d like a CSV of this data, please email me at: